المشروبات, وصفات

شاي الحمضيات والنعناع

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  • 1 برتقالة، مقطعة إلى شرائح سمكها 3 مم.
  • 30 غرام من أوراق اللويزة الليمونية.
  • 60 جرام من أوراق النعناع.

5 دقائق

وقت التحضير

7 ساعات

وقت الطبخ


  1. Wash and dry the ingredients in a salad spinner to remove any debris.
  2. Line perforated baking trays with baking paper and lay the ingredients in a single layer.
  3. Dry lemon verbena and mint for 3 – 4 hours in the Warming Drawer on Plate Warm setting 1.
  4. Dry orange slices in the oven on Fan Plus at 85°C for 3 hours with the Crisp function activated. Turn oranges over halfway through the drying process.
  5. In a food processor, coarsely chop the orange slices. Add the mint and lemon verbena and crush by hand. Alternatively, leave fruits and herbs whole.
  6. Mix well to combine all ingredients evenly and store in airtight jar or vacuum sealed bag.
  7. When preparing tea, place 1 tablespoon of tea and blend into a teapot and refresh with 250ml boiling water, infuse for 3 minutes before straining and serving.


  1. Try a mix of other citrus and herbs: lemon slices and borage flowers would be delicious, as would chamomile and ginger.
  2. Tea blends can be served hot or over ice for a cold option.

oven 1Can Be Prepared By

Untitled design 28 150x150 1
منتجات ميلي


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